Sat Sep 14 at 12:00
Model Madness


Model Madness

Fri Sep 13 at 19:00
creators club - music special


creators club - music special

Fri Aug 23 at 18:00
Fitness - Creators Club


Fitness - Creators Club

Thu Aug 22 at 17:00
Camera Club - Beauty


Camera Club - Beauty

Sat Aug 17 at 10:00
model casting


model casting

Sat Aug 03 at 17:00
Model Casting

Model Casting

Thu Aug 01 at 13:00
kids camera club

kids camera club

Tue Jul 30 at 19:00
Drama club

Drama club

Thu Jul 11 at 17:00
Camera Club - Fashion Editorial

Camera Club - Fashion Editorial

Fri Jun 28 at 16:00
Creators Club - Stylists

Creators Club - Stylists

Thu Jun 20 at 18:00
camera club -fitness

camera club -fitness

Thu Jun 06 at 18:00
Camera Club - Portraiture

Camera Club - Portraiture

Fri May 24 at 16:00
Creators Club - Beauty

Creators Club - Beauty

Thu Apr 11 at 17:00
CREATORS CLUB - KIDS Let them learn from what they see and experience at Creators Club - Kids

CREATORS CLUB - KIDS Let them learn from what they see and experience at Creators Club - Kids

Thu Mar 21 at 18:00
Camera Club - Hello Spring

Camera Club - Hello Spring

More Events

Photo Workshop20thAug more info

Event 29thJuly more info

Drama club night coming soon more info

Podcast night coming soon more info

Glamour Workshop 4th June more info

Photography lighting course coming soon more info

Videography course coming soon more info

Melo Music Event Fri May more info

Photographers get together coming soon more info

After Hours coming soon more info

Model Madness TBA 8pm more info

Deptford X Festival 22nd Sept - 1st Oct more info

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